Sunday, April 1, 2012

UML: Library Information System

Assignment: Assume that we have identified the following actors and goals:

Actor Goals Notes
Librarian Loan book to patron Authenticate patron, identify book, mark book as on-loan in catalogue, and add book to list of books on loan to this patron, with a specific due date. If patron's membership has expired, either refuse to lend book or enter "Manage patron information" use case to renew membership.
Renew book Identify patron and book, assess fine if overdue, and revise due date. Patron's membership status is checked. Renewal can be done by telephone.
Process book returned by patron Identify book, mark as available, and remove from list of books loaned to patron; if book is overdue, assess patron a fine.
Handle book reported as lost Identify book, mark as lost, and assess patron a fine.
Manage patron information Create, retrieve, update, or delete patron information.
Cataloguer Process new book Add new record to online catalogue, or add a copy to an existing record if book is a duplicate.
Patron Search for a book in the online catalogue Enter a search string, specifying whether to search for a name, a title, or a subject, to see a list of books matching the search string, then select a book to see the full record for that book; or enter a call number, and see a display of the system record for the specified book.
Administrator Send overdue book notices. Request a list of all books that are overdue by more than some minimum number of days.

Note that book ordering and accessions are not currently included in the scope of the automated library information system.
  1. Create a UML Use Case Diagram to depict the set of actors and use cases listed above. 

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